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2007-08 Cook League Joe's Racquetball Home Back to EQP LLC Email Joe Racquetball Media Joe's Racquetball Blog Other Racquetball Blogs Racquetball Articles Racquetball Downloads Racquetball Videos ![]() Club Player Boards The Club at Woodbridge Hillsborough Racquet Club Rutgers Busch Board Rutgers C/D Board Members Member Login Forgot Password Member FAQ Tools ELO Calculator League Tools Player Services Racquetball Club Locations Player Registry Racquetball Leagues Racquetball Leagues Racquetball League FAQ Racquetball Matches League Players Player Profiles Player ELO Rankings Player Power Rankings Player Quarter Rankings Help on Ranking Systems Site Help Our Mission Site FAQ Playing @RU Racquetball Tips USAR 2011 Offical Rules HobbyStop Racquetball Carl Moody Racquetball R-ball Tips Racquetball Community USAR Meet and Play alt.sports.racquetball Racquetball on Wikipedia Racquetball Links Racquetball on Facebook | Want to play the GAME!? Sign up. 07/14/09 League Completed When I gave Sean Roos the news that he lost 3rd by default he naturally didn't take it well, but he didn't exact push Alex to play for third when he had the chance. Now Sean's out in New York City working 9 to whenever and doesn't have time to come down and play. So in order to move things forward. Alex gets third because he followed up and was ready to play when Sean was not. Can see the completed draw here. Not sure what the next league will bring. The garden where we tended the racquetball plant has wilted and over grown with weeds, so there's a lot of work to be done. 07/13/08 A Division Finals Part II I think for the next league more matches will be ref'ed just to get players accustomed to having a referee call the shots. Problem with Cook is the same that it's always been obstructed hearing and view, but when players are making decisions on the court without the ref' then the game quickly goes down the tubes. I let myself be bullied and should have taken more control of the match when things went south. A player cannot call a serve short, long, or whatever when a ref' is present. A player can't really do much except raise a hand to call attention to particular call. A player needs to continue playing out a rally until the ref' stops play. Lastly a ref's call is near final unless there's line judges and an appeal is used. So arguing with a ref' is a sure fire way to get a technical foul or penalty. So my fault everyone was not clear on these facts and my fault for nipping it right at the beginning. Can never assume people are going to follow all the rules. Still pretty sad of the way things ended, it put a strain on two good friendships. 07/08/08 A Division Finals To ref' a match is tough, but to ref' a match amongst good friends I've known for years is far tougher. Anyway I need a day or two to sort out the details for myself and the fires might be too hot right now to start email wars with either player. It was a very heated game and a lot of arguments between all three of us. Part of it was my fault other times the players were ref'ing their own game. Like I saw a serve that was good that one player thought was short and they exchanged. Just too messy to write now and I'm disappointed how the league ended. After the match, I apologized. Shook hands with both of the guys, handed out the trophies, and went home. Congratulations to Nick. He won the match 5, (6), and 4. 6/17/08 Semi-Finals: Sean Roos vs. Abe Pollak Despite them being a little tentative Abe was taking smarter risks and kept running Sean wide on a lot of shots. Sean kind of camped out of position and allowed Abe dominance over center court. Sean was not playing like himself but his arm was a 100% The ball sounded like it was broken most of the time, but all the power in the world doesn't do much good if it comes off the back wall. Abe who was still playing it safe got a lot of juicy setups and took them into the backwall or on about three occassions tapped them mere inches from the front wall for some easy points. Sean took a time out with Abe at 10-4. Abe started to smell blood on Sean's backhand and blasted the last five points to win game one. 15-4. Game 2. Sean seemed to be playing not to lose and jumping up and down between rallies to get something going, but Abe kept the ball in play, took less risks, and kept Sean on the defensive. Afterward, Sean admitted he was thinking about every shot. As the skips starting to mount, I saw some breaks in Sean's toughness. Sean did end a couple of rallies with some good shots, but they were few and far between. Sean also pulled out some overhead serves and shots, but both were too risky. Abe closed out the match 4 and 6. Congrats Abe on the upset. 6/07/08 Let's wrap this Puppy Up! 5/14/08 Cook Closes Soon Until June 2nd 5/05/08 Nick Holerca Advances to his Third Final I won the match with Alex, (0), 9 and 6. He handed me a mean donut in the first, but then I managed somehow to claw my way back into the game. It was tough, with Alex hitting very well from all over the court and me even having to dive for the ball to stay in the game. At the end I was so spent, I had to sit for 15 min before walking to the lockers. You were right, all that rich business trip food got me well. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the final, by next week I hope to be back in shape. So one side of the draw came true. Waiting for Sean to deliver on the other side. Between the top two guys. That's a tough one to call. During League play Nick was destroyed by Sean 2 and 8, so Nick will have to neutralize Sean's power and make him take a lot more risks. For Sean, I think he could be mentally tested. It's the added pressure of a final match against a very cool and experienced player like Nick. So he should relax, play his game, and put a lot of pace on his passes while keeping them off the back wall. Youth vs. Experience? I'm going to have side with Nick on this one. Sorry Sean, just use it as fuel to proove me wrong. If a major upset should happen, then Abe and Nick were pretty close in league play and Abe is no stranger to finals either. Abe has also been robbed a couple of times from first. So he could be pretty hungry. Sean should take it real serious, but of course focus on his course finals. 4/30/08 Semi-Finals Set Before we got started, Abe said he saw the NJ Rankings Link and that I was 47. Dave jabbed probably 47th in lefties. Got you in league play didn't I? So we played out our game and Dave played viciously and won. Abe wanted to play some more games and I technically had the night out so we played some more. I knew Abe had about four games in him already and I just practiced, so I went up to a surprising 9/10-0 lead. I eventually closed the game 15-7. I said not bad for #47. We played another game and as usual Abe was much stronger or I was probably weaker. He won 15-11. We didn't play a third, so I'll take the win by total points. So it's Sean vs. Abe and Alex vs. Nick. Who's going to play for 1st and who's playing for third? It might Sean and Nick for 1st, but Nick had a tough return from his business trip and One Lee had him like 10-0 on Monday, so hopefully Nick can get all that rich business trip food out. On the way to the locker room, I told Abe he needs to get Sean off his game. Hit him with the ball, make a bad call, something. Of course, I was kidding...well Abe still needs to get Sean off his game. 4/18/08 Alex Rtischev vs. Steven Brukner I was trying to get some people together for Friday night and Alex showed up to play just when One Lee was finishing up. For not playing for about a week, I was hitting the ball pretty hard and well and I've been breathing better too. Wife called about being late and I wanted to finish my breaker with Alex, so we quickly battled and I eventually won the match. Afterward, we were in the locker room and I warned Alex that I can read his left side drive serve about 99% of the time. I can read it to the point where I can totally commit to the left half of the court and be waiting for the ball. He countered that I don't dink when I'm front and try to take a full swing. True, I just don't feel confident dinking. Telegraphing a serve definitely reduces it's effetiviness. 4/17/08 Kilcoyne vs. Roos Follow-up 4/16/08 Sean Roos Advances over Pat Kilycone in Straight Games So far the draw has played out as expected. Let's see what happens in the middle of the draw. Can Steven win over Alex and Nick and face his friend, that he beat, in the final? Can either Pollak avoid Sean's massive lefty forehand and put the hotshot to bed? We'll soon find out.
Anyway featured at left are the trophies. Photoshop is pretty amazing, this was a really dark photo. Typically I have about nine, three for each division, but we only had one division this time around. I would like to thank the people who played this league and helped me get things running again. Good luck in the Tournament. 4/11/08 Kilcoyne Advances Over Choy Anyway Pat won the match: (14), 14, and 8. Afterward and he told me, "I'm coming for Sean!" or something. He even told me to put it on the website! That's the stuff I like to hear. I watched part of a friendly game between Ronny and Patrick and if Pat stays the hell away from Sean's forehand there's a good chance. As with most things, it comes down to who wants it more. 4/09/08 Nick Holerca advances to Semi-Finals Game 2, I started to notice I was getting flustered. I didn't think I was overly angry or embarrassed or anything, but I was coughing. So I know, I was having trouble running around. I'm going back to the Doctor. I made like three returns in a row off my backhand that just died in the front court, but Nick was hitting everything even some of those upside down, out-of-the-book, shots. Afterward, I sat on the bench having a minor coughing fit. I should have stayed at 60% and took more risks on the rallies. Anyway Nick advanced 13 and 4. Good match Nick. 4/06/08 Dave Pollak Moves up to 5th Seed 4/06/08 Draw Posted 4/05/08 Nick Locks in Second Seed in Straight Games Alex has one more match against Dave Pollak, but a win or loss is not going to get Alex out of third seed. I'll work on the drawsheet later and post that up. If anyone sees Sean Roos tell him he owes me $10 by Wednesday. 4/02/08 Alex worked hard for 3rd Seed. Pat Kilcoyne has to go home this weekend, so I'm going to default him against his match against Ronny Choy. It doesn't cause any movement in the draw and gets us one step closer to the tournament. I'm not sure what the status is of his match with Sean Roos, but if it wasn't played out yet then it might be another default and Sean Roos takes first seed. 3/28/08 Draw is a little Premature. Sean Roos had a great League with 9 Wins. He has a lock on first seed if he wins against Patric Kilcoyne. Alex Rtishchev has three matches left and he can come out of no where to take first seed if Sean drops his remaining match and Alex wins all three. One of Alex's matches is against old time rival Nick Holerca. These guys have slugged it out for first place in B's probably more than anyone else. So it should be interesting to watch. A win for Nick also gets him a lock on 2nd and a chance for 1st. Abe Pollak hangs in the balance at 3rd, Alex needs to win one match to knock Abe down to 4th. At the bottom, things are a bit more settled. Both Ronny and Patric are deadlocked for 8th and 9th. So they have to play in the first round and the winner goes to face the first seed. Both Patric and Ronny have shown some surprises out there and tournaments usually bring out more nerves, so don't give up hope guys. There's always a chance for an upset. Toward the middle of the draw, there's Steven Brukner in 5th, Joe Delgado in 6th, and Dave Pollak in 7th. My win over Dave pushed me up a spot. If Sean takes first seed, he has a chance to face the only guy who decisively beat him (5 and 7). His friend Steven. My palms are just getting sweaty thinking about it. Maybe Sean should forget his racquet at home against Patrick. <jk>. 3/28/08 Some "Old School" Stats Return...Well for Now. 3/26/08 Abe Pollak vs. Holerca 3/26/08 Abe Pollak vs. Delgado Anyway during those last two games I remembered Fred Letter's advice about > 80% of my shots coming to the middle of the court. Abe was in front of me on most of those shots and put them away more times than I could count. It wasn't until I started working the lines and doing my best to keep everything out of the middle that I started to win more rallies. There was a cool post by Control Freak on Meet and Play about what he calls "Back Alley Fighting" that helped me place my shots better. 3/25/08 The Last Push Also ordered the trophies, they should be here by the end of the week. I'll put a picture up once they arrive. 3/20/08 Joel Greengarten withdraws due to Injury 3/13/08 Double Take. Roos vs. Holerca I was supposed to play Abe tonight, but doubt I'll do more than cough the length of my match. I shifted things to Tuesday which puts me in another double header against Abe and Joel. That's even worse than Alex and Sean, but oh well. 3/10/08 Back to Work after a Long Weekend First off, we had a surprising match between Ronny Choy and Sean Roos. Not only did it go to breaker it was 11-10 Sean Roos. Did Ronny stop playing doubles at lunch time? Was he playing possum? Was he abducted by Aliens? Don't know, but it goes to show its anyone's game. The only score I got from Sean was 11-10. Not helpful. So it's 14,(14), and 10 until further notice. Joel Greengarten still remains undefeated defeating Dave Pollak in straight games 6 and 7. Abe Pollak can improve his position to about fourth if he beats Alex and myself. Abe took a step in the right direction winning over his brother, Dave, 13 and 14. Alex still has a couple of matches too, so until everything is in the books. The draw is still pretty wide open. On Friday, Pat was left praciticing by Ronny Choy. The weather was getting pretty bad so I don't blame Ronny for not coming down, but he didn't try to contact Pat to my knowledge, so if the match isn't finished by the deadline the win goes to Patrick. We introduced Patrick to the wonderful world of Doubles. One Lee and I vs. Chris and Pat. One and I lost. 3/5/08 Interesting Sweeps in Momentum Last Night Brukner vs. Choy 3/3/08 Holerca beats Brukner in Straight Games 3/02/08 Rules to Keep in Mind Also under 3.14. Sections 5 and 6 about backswing and safety hold ups. I know it's hard to fight the bloodlust sometimes and swing away regardless of your opponents position, but there's another option. Stop and say "you are in the way." Why take a bad shot that can injure someone or cost you a point? Better to be safe and smart. Also Defenders should not be cheap and stand in the way blocking out shots that will put you at a disadvantage. That's just plain cheating and will cost you a point with a referee. 3.15 is another juicy one. You need to give you opponent two shots: Down the Line and Cross Court. Read my article on safety. If you're defending watch your opponent, standing still is a great way to get hit. Watching the front wall instead of your opponent is a great way to get injured. Stay a swing and a step away! Odds are the attacker is watching the ball and assumes you are out of the way and following the rules. 3/02/08 Playoff Deadline is March 28, 2008 2/29/08 Delgado vs. Choy Choy had some pretty good power on both sides, but as he admitted it lacked control. A lot of my drive serve opportunities were quickly dismantled by Choy, but even more of his ended with double faults. It was a pretty close game and I heard Ajay behind the door saying "Play hard..." From the first two games I knew that wasn't working. I definitely would be playing into Choy's strengths and I didn't want to do that. I took a time out only to have someone talk to me. At the end of it, I was like that sucked, what a waste of a time out. A lot of lobs eventually closed the deal with Choy. He was very aggressive and they were coming off as skips or setups. So I was looking for something that worked and I got it. 11, (12), and 7. Afterward, I told him to be less aggressive and return the ball to the ceiling. I saw George Weickert and Ron Torres tonight. George was trying to muscle his way into the league by saying if he beat Nick then I would have to let him in. I was like...."No. Sorry." We're finally getting close to the tournament. I have two matches left against Abe Pollak and Joel Greengarten. Both of these guys have been at the top of A's more than once. So should be interesting at the very least I hope my breakers keep coming in. After the two games, I hope to be in the lower-half of the draw. Think my best chance for a trophy finish lie there. 2/28/08 Brukner and Delgado walk away with a Donut (0) and a Breadstick (1) in Breakers When my program put me up against Alex and Sean in the same night, I knew I was in trouble. Even Nick wrote back in an email try to win one. I started with Alex who seemed to be playing weird, but later admitted it was his "Running Joe" strategy. It was working and a lot of his shots I had to take risks to win the point. He did some weird serve that totally got me off guard. Alex walked away with a win 9, (9), and 6. Being a lefty I know it drives most right-handed players crazy. They often admit, I hate lefty's or better yet they play the whole match not realizing. It totally throws a couple of flies in most players' soup. Nick and I were emailing about it also and I told him I definitely had the advantage in the first game. The only thing that can throw a lefty off is another lefty. Also most lefty's I know have an incredible forehand and Sean is no exception. I guess it's all those left side serves that right handers try to force on us. Game 1 was interesting. I noticed Sean shading over to his right covering up that backhand like a boxer with bruised ribs. A lot of my serves explored that backhand and I knew I had a gold mine to exploit. A lot of his serves to my backhand were either long, short, or ineffective. I noticed a problem with my returns, a problem that only got worse. At the end of Game 1, Sean said he had adjusted. His serves and backhand were starting to get better and my returns got worse. The worst possible shot to give a lefty is a cross court shot from the bsckhand (right) since it often bounces up front and right into that massive forehand. Sean made quick work of those in the second and third games and gave me a breadstick. The "Kid" won (11), 5, and 1. Did notice in the third game that he was in the way of a couple of my shots. One was an off the back wall shot that I went DTL with only see Sean right there. Nailed him in the back. Another time he was in the middle of the court right in front of me. It was only a couple of points, so I don't blame them for losing the game, but next time. I'm going to be a lot more careful and call a lot more hinders especially if my swing is affected. 2/25/08 Holerca Inches Ahead of Greengarten by Winning Against Dave Pollak 2/22/08 Joel Greengarten on the way to 1st Seed In other news, it's official. Claudio Ortiz withdraws due to a calf-injury. So we're down to ten players. If the tournament happened tomorrow the top two seeds would get bye's and everyone would battle it out. Not sure we can do a consolation round with ten players, but we'll see. 2/21/08 Sean "The Kid" Roos Knocks Alex "The Rocket" Rtishchev Off Course! Dave Pollak takes Steven Brukner to three games and wins 11, (6), and 6. Wife is getting annoyed again. Think as a whole, we've been playing by the rules of reserving courts and stuff, but Intramurals and now these armored guys keep messing up our good time. Can't wait for these Intramurals to be over. It's no wonder I like running leagues in the Summer. 2/20/08 Steven Brukner works his way to 4th 2/20/08 Surprise...Surprise...Surprise. Delgado Sweeps Tuesday! My first match was against Dave Pollak. I've know Dave for a long time and usually there's one quirk that used to mess me up. Suddenly his score would increase by one, I don't think it's intentional but it sure did affect me in the past. I made a smart move and recorded the scores on the sheet before taking my time out. So when it happened, I knew there was no second guessing on my part. We had a pretty heated match as I've come to expect. It was also the first time I focused a game plan around my opponent's equipment. I know all about light racquets, I wasted a lot of time on them. I just don't swing fast enough to use them properly. So when Dave showed up with a Wilson N-Code 150 gram racquet. My first thought was how do I get him tired. Make him harder and make him hit longer. I think it worked. I walked away with the win (6), 6, and 4. Next match was against Pat Kilcoyne. I thought I'd better not lose to a tennis player especially after that E-Force link. I was surprised to see a backhand on some of his shots. My strategy was also to keep the ball in play and minimize my mistakes. He clawed his way back and forced a breaker. I can't seem to shake these breakers. I knew I need to bring whatever I had left and go for it. I won 7, (12), and 4. In other action, Alex Rtischev lost his perfect record against Joel Greengarten 12 and 9. Joel commented afterward that it was a tough match and that Alex finally lost that "pansy" serve of past leagues. So Alex has definetely improved over the last league. Abe Pollak walked away with straight games against Claudio Ortiz 8 and 2. Claudio said on his way out that his calf injury might be league threatening. I hope not, keep stretching it out. Pat stepped back on the court with Abe after Pat and I finished. I think I saw Abe almost giddy with anticipation. Pat admitted afterward that he was flat and lost 4 and 6. 2/18/08 Steven Brukner Back to Back Wins Watched a minute or two of Steven's match against Sean Roos. Seems I was bothering the "kids". So I left. Steven had already played one lefty and was hot to start the second match. He walked away with straight games 5 and 7. In other action, we had Abe Pollak and Ronny Choy. Abe broke his two game losing streak 3 and 6. 2/16/08 W/L Records Posted 02/15/08 No Love Lost Here. 02/14/08 Nick Holerca and Claudio Ortiz Increase Rankings .02/09/08 Delgado vs. Holerca. Second game, I caught myself admiring a couple of my shots. They racquet started to make that cracking sound and the ball sailed, too bad it didn't have the accuracy. Nick started to bring the heat also. So it was a slug fest. The hundred or so shots I drilled on Wednesday was a big help. It pretty close at the end. By the time of Nick's second time out it was 10-9 his in the breaker. He closed out the match 13, (5), and 9. Not the outcome I was looking for, but I can say I went for it. Great match Nick. Technifibre still rules! 02/08/08 Newcomers showing some stuff out there! Another necomer Pat Kilcoyne took B's runner up Alex Rtischev to a breaker, but Alex closed out the match. 9, (6), and 5. Alex noted Pat's very fast and uses some, dare I write it, Tennis serves. It reminds me of one of E-Force's latest Ads. Cause Racquetball Ain't Tennis! I think the ad is great. Anyway Alex is inching toward Nick's #1 ELO spot. Alex and Nick are pretty damn close in W/L, Nick only has one win over Alex. So it's hard to say are they going to be at the top of the A's or the B's? So far looks like A's. I'm still waiting on more results to come in from Thursday night. 02/07/08 My Favorite Ranking System Returns 02/07/08 The Return of Super Tuesday Claudio Ortiz went to three games against newcomer Steve Brukner: (4), 9, 6. Lastly Pat Kilcoyne stepped back on the court against the returning A Champ Joel Greengarten and lost in straight games 3 and 9. It'll be interesting in the coming weeks to see who the league leaders are going to be. My wife starts a new job in a couple of weeks, so my play schedule is going to change again. Let's just say "Super Thursday" might be coming! 02/02/08 Nick Holerca vs. Ronny Choy We also have Patrick Kilcoyne who won C/D Douglas Intramurals last year and plays pretty well against the Busch crowd, so looks like we have a league gentlemen. Thank you for your support and good luck. 01/30/08 1st Match. Alex Rtishchev vs. T-Jay Hu. I saw Alex at Cook and he played a couple of games with Frank Cai. Alex was telling Frank about with final match vs. Nick Holerca and how limping an all Nick still closed out the match to take first place. I told Frank it was all about the stories that happen on the court that make the league interesting. Also Alex has been spending a lot of time on Busch Campus lately, so it should be interesting to see how he's improved. Leigh Marshall sent me an email today saying that it would help my game. I'd rather stick to old fashioned drilling right now. 01/28/08 League FAQ Posted 01/27/08 Schedule Posted 01/23/08 Let's Go! Time to Step Up!! 01/09/08 Looks like Eleven Players Is It. 12/19/07 Want more than Nine! 12/03/07 Nice sounds coming from the court... About two weeks ago, I saw Nick--haven't seen him in about a year--so we played a couple of games. At first, I saw the rust, but he quickly shook that off and started playing harder. He had the longest running winning streak ever and back to back B trophies. So it should be interesting this year. 11/06/07 Pretty Strong B League 10/25/07 "No Better Time than Now!" Copyright 2011-2008 by Enchanted Quill Press, LLC. |