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Welcome to the ELO Calculator
A friend of mine, John Anciano, helped me understand the math for the first ELO Calculator for my Access Racquetball Database. I basically run every recorded match through this code and over time it's become a pretty good predictor of who is going to usually win a match. I know it's tedious to record all the results each time and will be working on a better system for members. Look below the form for help.

Current Ranking:
Current Experience:
Calculator Defaults
Match Len:
XP Cap:

ELO Help
Every player starts with a 1,500 ranking and zero experience points, so instead of typing that each time you can click on the new player button for either player. After each calculation, if the winner or loser is involved in the next match it's important to update them. You can also swap players if they are involved in another match and either have better or worse luck.

The Caculator Defaults are the values I use for match length and experience cap. Unranked (Experience under 75) gain ranking a lot faster than experienced players. I started with 75 after noticing above average sweeps in my ranking despite playing 117 matches (234 experience points). I originally thought a tournament match can have a value of 5 instead of 3, but John advised me against that. So I kept it 3, for a best out of three match.

Winning Probability is self-explanatory and match value is based on the match length.

For more information checkout the current ELO rankings or help on my ranking systems.

Hope you can use the calculator for your own leagues and events. Let me know if you run into any problems or have any suggestions on how to improve it at rball@eqp.com.

Copyright 2011-2008 by Enchanted Quill Press, LLC.
Copyright 2002-2008 by Joseph Delgado. Published since 12/31/02.
Last Updated 8/13/09. Please email Webmaster about site problems or questions.
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