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About Rankings Joe's Racquetball Home Back to EQP LLC Email Joe Racquetball Media Joe's Racquetball Blog Other Racquetball Blogs Racquetball Articles Racquetball Downloads Racquetball Videos ![]() Club Player Boards The Club at Woodbridge Hillsborough Racquet Club Rutgers Busch Board Rutgers C/D Board Members Member Login Forgot Password Member FAQ Tools ELO Calculator League Tools Player Services Racquetball Club Locations Player Registry Racquetball Leagues Racquetball Leagues Racquetball League FAQ Racquetball Matches League Players Player Profiles Player ELO Rankings Player Power Rankings Player Quarter Rankings Help on Ranking Systems Site Help Our Mission Site FAQ Playing @RU Racquetball Tips USAR 2011 Offical Rules HobbyStop Racquetball Carl Moody Racquetball R-ball Tips Racquetball Community USAR Meet and Play alt.sports.racquetball Racquetball on Wikipedia Racquetball Links Racquetball on Facebook | 05/18/07 About my Ranking Systems ELO Ranking JD's Power Rankings I wanted to reward players that finished their matches in two games instead of three. I also wanted to penalize players who frequently play each other, so it encourages people to mix to get the most points possible. I didn't think it was fair for a higher ranking player to totally destroy a lower ranking players rating if they played. So I reduced the points awarded for those matches, especially if they went to three games. Lastly, I wanted the underdog to get more points if he or she beat someone of a higher ranking. Quarter Rankings Balance of Power First, I have the date of the match and each game in the match listed. Clicking on this gives you a score sheet of the match. Second, is the score spectrum with 15 on each end and zero in the middle. The spectrum is just the difference between the two players scores. The wider the margin the brighter the color. Close games have a red spectrum. Donuts have all the colors ending with green. Last is the Power Marker denoted by the "X" on the graph. The marker is also based on the difference between the scores and moves slowly from one side to the other. The objective is to keep the marker on your side. Copyright 2011-2008 by Enchanted Quill Press, LLC. |