--/--/--- Follow the Tournament Action!
Draw sheets
Final A
Division, Final B
Division as PDF, or view the Player
Matrix. A's Updated
Final C Player Robin (2 games to 15 pts.) Updated 12/27/06.
60 pts. Bob Zeiss
37 pts. Marv Schuldiner
00 pts. Don Tietjen (By forfeit.)
01/15/07 The End! Finally the End!
Abe Pollak took 3rd in the A's against Dave Pollak 11 and 6.
12/27/06 Joel Greengarten takes 1st in A's Final!
Last week, Joel and Bill S. played their final A match. After a ninety minute, three game match, Joel walked away with the win. Of course, I wasn't present to take a picture or present the trophy, but still nice to make progress in this league and hopefully implement some safe guards to prevent such delays from happening again. Congratulations Joel.
Outstanding matches/results A's for 3rd. C's Round Robin...well I killed it. I defaulted Don for failure to play his matches vs. Bob and Marv. After numerous extensions and warnings, I just had no choice.
10/27/06 Bill S. advances to another A Final!
A couple of days ago, we finally had Abe Pollak and Bill S. face off for
their semi-final match. I didn't see it and didn't get any commentary from
the players, but Bill S. advanced 12 and 8 to face Joel Greengarten. This is
Joel's first A Final and it should be quiet the shootout.
10/05/06 One Trophy Delivered!
Saw the B's Champ, Nick Holerca, last Friday and handed him his back-to-back first place trophy in B's. I didn't have my camera to take any pictures, but still got
eight more trophies to go.
I heard from Don and he plans to play again and finish his remaining matches against
Bob and Marv..if they are still interested to finish. Also tonight, I heard some
of the A crowd is coming by to play tonight. I doubt Bill S. is going to be there
since I heard from Tom Baldinger that they got softball playoff this weekend. So
things are moving painfuly slow, but at least they are moving.
09/06/06 Member Area Linked Up
For a while it was a secret handshake URL, well I'm sure a search engine or
something else found it. My host has a shared SSL (encrypted connections)
that I'm using to help protect logins. It's still the same old stuff and it
was offline during the migration they did.
There's still some disconnect from the old and new pages, but you can
login from the main page or
07/24/06 The League that Never Ends
I'll say we had a great B Division this League with a record 14 players. For the B Tournament we had nine players going for the trophy. That's about all the good
news I have for the league. The other divisions with less players are still limping
on. I blame myself really, I need a real method for enforcing reschedules and other
problems that's actually documented. Email is a pretty weak form of communication
since it's easy to get left out of the loop or have an email get lost in the shuffle.
A's with six players has been stuck at the semi-finals stage for a long time. Basically
there's a conflict between my limited schedule and one of the matches. So it sits
and sits. I'll ask for some help from our community of players to see if anyone
is willing to get these guys in and playing.
C's with three players has been limping for a long time waiting for Don to get out
on the courts. I have not received any word that's ever going to happen in my lifetime.
So I'm awarding Bob Zeiss first in C's, Marv Second, and Don third. I'm going
to have a minimum number of players set for a division before I offer it. To have
three just doesn't work.
06/08/06 B Division Completed.
Not used to getting so many match results in a short period of time, but we
finished the B's. In the bottom half of the draw, Alex Rtishchev went three
games against newcomer Ignacio Esteban and advanced (11), 3, and 6.
It was another repeat final between the two power houses of B's. Alex and
Nick had a one and half hour match. Anyway Nick summaries it below:
I won the final with Alex, (13), 12 and 7, I served first. It was a very tough match, lasted a little over 1.5 hrs, and I can't tell that I know what gave me the edge. I was drained by end of game one, somehow won game two and had a good run of serves in game 3, all the while maxing out my timeouts. Alex changed his routine and managed to surprise me by being very aggressive, while still playing the ball all over the court. Great game, and I was lucky to be the winner.
Well as promised, these guys had another trophy finish. So we'll try to get them into B+. Not sure how B+ is going to work, but there's some distance between B's and A's.
Since Andres went back to Columbia, Ignacio automatically gets third place.
06/08/06 Joel Greengarten advances to his first A Final.
Last League, Joel squared off against Tom Baldinger in the semi-finals and
lost 5 and 14. This league Joel earned second seed and advanced over Dave
Pollak 11 and 6. In the 2003-2004 League, Dave closed out third against Pat
Douglas in three games.
Last time Abe and Bill faced each other in a semi-final it went three
games with Abe almost winning in straight games. (11), 14, and 7. So it'll
be interesting to see who advances this time around. Good luck everyone.
06/03/06 Semi-Finals Ready.
are kind of still broken around here, but we had Andres Quiroz and Nick
Holerca duke it out. Nick advanced to his second back to back final with 8
and 11. Andres will most likely be going back to Columbia and will be back
in August.
06/03/06 Dave Evans Passed Away.
I heard about his unexpected death on Thursday night. He was a great
competitor and racquetball player. Basically dominating the Cook Intramurals
for years with his doubles partner George Carman.
I'll keep his records. After eight consecutive wins he broke into the top 10 in the ELO rankings.
It was always a motivation to get better to beat him and I was disappointed
that he retired from intramurals last year. So I'm pretty sad that he passed
away. Rest in peace Dave.
05/17/06 Semi-Finals Ready.
I gotta finish this later, but all the draw sheets are up to date. Congrats
on making the semi-finals.
05/14/06 Got a few minutes, Ignacio advanced to Semi.
This weekend was Jason's birthday and Karen's first Mother's day, so it's
been an extreme few days and no racquetball. Which makes things worse still.
Anyway after a couple of retries I finally got results in the B's from
Ignacio Esteban and Silas Clark. Ignacio advances to his first semi-final
vs. the #2 player last league Alex Rtishchev. Too bad we'll need to wait
until June for this one. Still haven't heard results from Andres Quiroz and
Chris Jacquet.
05/04/06 Dave Pollak Advances to A's Semi-Finals.
Things are going great for Dave. He's running a seven strong winning streak
and has broken again into the top five in the ELO rankings. In the semi's he
has to face Joel Greengarten who's kept him in single digits the last four
games. Can the streak continue? Felix and I will be in the B+ Division, if
he chooses to play again.
Still waiting to hear from the quarter-finals in the B's. Cook also
closes this week for May and goes to Summer Hours. So we're in trouble.
05/04/06 Abe Pollak Advances to A's Semi-Finals.
It's hard to write about a match that I played in and focus on my opponent.
The natural tendency is to write about my perspective and feelings. That'll
kind of cheat Abe, so I'll avoid that. Abe arrived a little late, having to
stop to buy a pair of shorts. First game he started a bit cold and chipped
away at my lead. Game two I was hitting some solid shots and hitting some
solid kills. Abe tried to counter with higher and more angled shots. I still
managed to hit low and hard. Game three I was a bit tired and wasn't making
the same shots in game two. Abe advanced 8, (12), and 2.
We've been playing three games lately with a low scoring tie-breaker. So
either I'm no longer focused, tired, or just quitting. Last night, it was
about 9:00 when I noticed the cell phone hasn't rung once. Let's see my wife
starts calling at 7:30 normally and even though yesterday was a late night
for me. It should still have been ringing. I should have called her phone
and made sure things were ok before the tie-breaker. I was still pretty
tired, but my focus was not totally on the game and I wasn't moving well.
It's a good end to A's. I rushed myself up too early to A's, probably out
of fear to avoid real competition, but most likely out of not taking the
trophy from another guy. It's my league, I feel I should not win. Well
that's old thinking, I have a strong desire to get better and I know playing
A's for a couple of leagues has only made me a stronger player.
05/02/06 Nick Holerca Advances to B's Semi-Finals.
The B's #1 seed and returning B's Champ advanced over T-Jay Hu with 2 and 5
tonight. For Nick it comes down to Chris Jacquet or Andres Quiroz, both guys
are dangerous. Nick admitted that Chris can get everything. Andres has been
putting the time in at Busch for practice. So it's going to be a battle for
that semi-final spot.
For Alex, it's Ignacio Esteban and Silas Clark. This is Ignacio's first
league and he defeated Alex in League play, so have all the wounds healed?
Silas has been away from the sport for a while, but he did prove himself at
Hillsborough with a 2nd place finish in B+ and a first place finish in C's
at Fairfield. So I think both Alex and Nick need to be on guard and play
some serious racquetball to have a repeat of last league. Looking forward to
the games guys.
05/01/06 Alex Rtishchev Advances to B's Semi-Finals.
It was the battle of the Head Megablast 185 racquets. It was interesting to
see the same racquet perform differently for Alex and Roger. This is Alex's
third time in the top four so I would say experience was on his side
tonight. He played his standard attrition game and Roger was inconsistently
going for offensive shots or leaving the ball up, where Alex hammered the
ball. I was later joined by the current B Champion, Nick Holerca. We talked
about the game and how he thinks his side of the draw will play out. It'll
be interesting who advances between Andres Quiroz and Chris Jacquet.
Roger had some interesting shots of his own. I saw him do an in-between
the legs shot ala Nick Holerca. In-between games two and the tie-breaker, he
thanked Nick for the advice of not playing Alex's game. Things looked good
Roger in the third game, but he wasn't making many points. Eventually Alex
advanced with 10, (10), and 3. Good game guys, glad I was able to watch
parts of it.
04/25/06 T-Jay Hu Advances to the Quarter-Finals.
It's understandable that Josh's schedule got a little to hectic between
work, little league, and other obligations. I feel responsible that I could
not speed things up to be finished by now. Anyway T-Jay takes the only
qualifier spot in the Quarters. So we can move forward with B's. Good Luck
04/16/06 Draw sheets Posted.
Have the A and
B Divisions posted as
PDF. I spent most of the weekend blocked. I just couldn't move forward on
anything. Pretty much I wanted to get the draws out. I reworked them using
Excel. A lot lower tech than the Visio/PDF, but a lot more flexible. Also if
the format is good enough for the US Open, then it's good enough for me.
04/11/06 Esteban takes 2nd seed in B's?
I need to go through things one more time to make sure, but seems pretty
good to me that he has second seed in B's. He took second seed over Alex
with a three game win over Jacquet with 7, (11), and 9.
04/09/06 Excel is Out. Time to start seeding the league.
I know the deadline is Wednesday, but I still like to get a head start and
looking through things. We had about four players leave B's, leaving us with
eight, so no complicated draws this time. I waited a long time for Silas to
come around and pay his league fee or email, but he's been just
non-responsive. So he's out. George Weickert hurt his back and he needs to
play some serious paddleball tournaments in a few months, so he needs to get
ready and is out.
04/09/06 League Mod': B+ Division to be added.
I've fought this for a while since it's not a real division per se, but as
Bob Zeiss said on Friday there seems to be a massive gap between A and B.
Some people don't want to go to A's since they play pretty seriously and may
not have the skill set to survive. It also makes us more Hillsborough
friendly, since they have a B+ Division.
03/18/06 League Mod': Inter-Division Play Stays.
I believe everyone enjoyed the inter-division play we had this league. It
gives players a chance to see how they'll do in the next level. It's been
said to me time and time again the only way to get better is to play people
that are better. Lastly, it gives me the chance to see how the divisions are
03/18/06 League Mod': Earlier Bubble Matches.
Next League, I think we'll have all the bubbles scheduled at the beginning
of the League, so if a knockdown occurs there's enough time to schedule the
player in the lower division for seeding. Since Felix and I were knocked
down late, we don't have a proper seeding for B's. George was knocked down
early enough and was aggressive in getting his matches played out.
03/16/06 Delgado loses last bubble to Weickert (Lefty).
George said he's expecting a long post about the match. I'm not going to
disappoint him. I made a mistake of accepting a bubble match tonight vs.
George Weickert. I was not hitting good shots in my cut-throat and doubles
game before then. Then George showed up to pay some money he owes me and
dropped the challenge. There's no rule that prevents a person who lost his
bubbles to challenge another bubble player. Kind of like the movies where
someone pulls down another person as they are falling. He's told me
countless times that we're not A's and even though I lost and have to deal
with the embarrassment of losing my bubbles, I can accept it.
It was an easy first game with George refusing to warm-up and played a
cold first game. So I capitalized and walked with 15-1 win. George started
to wake up and planted himself in front of the short line waiting to cut off
ceiling returns or drop shots into the corners. Most hard passes he was able
to reach behind him and get a racquet on. Lost the second game 6-15.
Tie-breaker was more of the same and he played a smarter game. Also told me
outside that he was patient with his shots and waiting for me to commit or
lean before taking them. It worked. George got it, (1), 6, and 3.
I think , I mentioned some where below that I thought I was hiding in the
A's to avoid having to really prove myself in B's again. When I won the
trophy back in 2003-04, I had a pretty easy draw. Claudio Ortiz hurt himself
and David Fugate did not want to play into Vishal. Clark lost to Vishal.
Charette lost to me, so suddenly I'm in the final vs. Vishal. It was a long
battle with two ref's, but I won in three games. Other leagues I've been
toward the bottom of the draw. I think once I moved to the next round
because Tom Baldinger couldn't make it.
Anyway sucks that an off night, dropped me down to B's. Must always be
prepared to do your best. Tonight unfortunately was not. When George learned
that I was knocked to B's he felt bad. I said, don't feel bad man. It was an
honorable defeat. Not sure, but I think I'll finish out A's along with Felix
this time and start B's next league. Just for time constraints.
03/12/06 Good to do my Job.
only had two matches go off on Friday, but at least they counted for
division play. First was my long awaited match with Joel Greengarten. We
just did not line up this league with availability, so on his day off we
played, thanks Joel for making the exception.
Things started off weird with Ajay doing a flat out terrible job flipping
the coin. I think he was trying to influence the call or something. I was a
little nervous, I didn't have the same IPS (Ideal Performance State) that I
had on Monday at Busch. Maybe too fired up. I guess this match actually
meant something. I hope to have a few more to get my head straight before
State Singles or I'm in trouble.
I just noticed a funny thing it was exactly a year ago that I played Joel
for a league match. Back then I had 6 and 3. This time I did better. I was
more aware of my shot selection and the consequences of those shots. One
shot during the rally I had Joel in front of me and off to the right a
little. I was behind him toward the left corner. I held up on my swing
because he was right in my cross-court shot. I wasn't about to go DTL and
have him crush it. Yes, it would have been a penalty hinder, but without a
ref' it's a replay. Another shot came off the back wall and I focused on the
ball took a shot that nailed Joel in the back while he was standing in
center court. Another hinder? Not sure if I saw him the way a lot, but
that's two points right there.
Basically if Joel gets a shot in the front court he's going to rip a kill
shot just about every time. So I needed to hit shots that got him moving and
got him deep. I'm pretty sure during the second game I took away two points
just by being absent minded. Joel was cool about that. I had a lot of fun.
Joel asked me if I get a lot of screen calls. I answered no. Joel won 6 and
On the other court, we had Bob Zeiss and Marv. Schuldiner play their
league match. I didn't get to see much since we started at the same time,
but Zeiss walked away with the win 3 and 7. It's been a while since Marv.
played. Afterward, he came over and we played some Quake 2 on the PC. Yeah I
know an old school game, but fun.
03/01/06 Missing Matches via Email.
I've missed enough matches sent over email to become concerned. If you do
not see your match results posted within a few days and have not received a
confirmation from me. Assume I never got your email.
My web hosting company,
Applied Innovations,
has setup an SSL (Secure Connection) to encrypt all data received and sent
on my page. So I feel a lot more confident about people logging in and doing
more online. I'll have more details on that later.
02/24/06 Super Friday? Delgado keeps bubble.
For a long time it's always been Super Tuesday, but tonight we had a good
deal of players at least ten, which is pretty good for our group. We mixed
pretty good over the three courts and I was able to play a bubble match. It
was supposed to be with Alex, but he started talking to some girl and Andres
was ready to go. So off we went. Plus Alex didn't seem 100% and I didn't
want that.
One Lee earlier in the day told me he had played Andres like seven or
eight times and was looking for weaknesses. He told me what he learned and I
agreed and make a game plan around it. Every time that I went against the
game plan Andres punished me for it. Andres is a great touch player that
I've known since I've been playing racquetball. He also played my first
league in A/B. He's always been fast and had good control. So I had to bring
out a power game to have a chance.
First game, I served and ran a couple of easy points with pinches. Then
we battled and Andres kept most of his shots in play and controlled the
third shot of any rally I hit up front. I squeaked a 15-13 win. Second game
I trailed 10-1 and was able to fight back to lose 14-15. The Tie-breaker was
also pretty close, but Andres hit some shots that were out of the book and
made some errors. I was also making errors and losing my lead. Ajay was
watching the game and thought he was making me nervous and started to leave.
I banged on the door and motioned him to come back. I wanted the pressure.
Anyway we had a great game and a couple of solid cross court passes helped
put the game away. 13, (14), and 8. Great match.
02/22/06 Some missing matches.
Heard from Andres who submitted three matches that he had sent earlier and I
never got them. First is a three game nail-biter between him and Chris
Jacquet. Chris won 14, (6), and 8. Then Andres takes back against Ignacio
with a win 4 and 7, and lastly pops Felix Revis' remaining bubble 11, (13),
and 7*. Not sure if this was a "league" game since it was three games to 15.
I'm waiting to hear back from Felix before counting it.
02/21/06 Back in Black! Well at least I know how deep...
Kind of funny that when I was younger I had a better control over my money.
I relearned some of my old habits and poured over bank statements and called
our banks everyday. Eventually, I managed to get things reconciled. Need
about two paychecks to come in before things can start leveling out. Anyway
I can see the ground rushing up, but the engines are starting to kick in
I checked the schedule and again we're behind thirty games! People are
just not meeting their dates. Guess we'll start dropping inter-division
matches as they are missed. I wish my online system was ready that would
Before Nick drops out of the league he took a bubble from Felix Revis.
T-Jay Hu goes three games against George Weickert (L) before giving up a
donut. A's have been dishing out decisive victories over the B's.
02/15/06 Rtischev and Zeiss Return!
Heard from both of these guys recently and they are dying to play some
racquetball and get back into the league. Safe to admit they have a lot of
work to do. Welcome back guys you've been missed.
02/15/06 Behind on my Finances, real life called...
With a baby and everything else it's easy to make excuses and fall behind on
paying bills and keeping things a float. Past couple of days have been
forced to play catch up and get everything rolling properly again.
Anyway think I have my checkbook in working order again. It hasn't been
reconciled in a very long time, so to crunch some numbers and see it in
balance again is a good thing. I owe some other websites some stuff so I'll
work on that tomorrow.
01/29/06 All good things must come to an end...
Well Nick will go down in League History for consecutive wins and so will
Bill S. for bringing the winning machine to a decisive halt with 5 and 0. I
thought I had raised the bar pretty high with a max of twenty wins. So I
might need to go back to the drawing board.
In inter-division play we had the Pollak brothers in the A's take on some
of the B's. Abe Pollak shutdown Andres 5 and 4. Dave Pollak played a close
match with 11 and 12. Anyway I'm going to refocus the schedule another time
so we can wrap up division play
01/25/06 Delgado stays focused vs. Revis
Since I updated my blog,
I've been actively reinforcing my focus, game plan, and even some
visualization during my games. I'm starting to nod in agreement when I go through things in
my head. I must look pretty weird, but oh well. So far it works.
I had a match vs. Felix Revis tonight at Cook. Normally I can't stay past
7:30, but I had the match in advance and I'll burn Friday. So it worked out.
Anyway I played since 5:00 and I played a mix of doubles, singles, and
cut-throat. I wanted to simulate a tournament, I wanted to play hard every
game and see if I can keep things mentally under control for my pretend
final with Felix.
Felix showed up we kind of forgot what we looked like. He got changed and
started to warm-up. His warm-up was a little quick, so that opened a new
branch in my game plan. I won the coin toss and opted to receive. The idea
was to get the serve back quickly and start attacking. If I can mount up the
points and take game one, then I can attack game two as well, while putting
a lot of pressure on my opponent to win 100% of the remaining games. The
plan worked I won 4 and 12.
We split two more games after the match, since we were the only one's
playing and I would hate to see Felix spend $3 for just two games. Now
properly warm-up he was hitting better shots. I relaxed a bit, I didn't have
any open goals, but eventually got back on track to take the second game. I
setup some new goals, "Ok you won the match, big deal, one game he was cold.
Can you do it now that he's hot? What do you need to do Joe? What is he
serving? Where is he relocating? What serves are giving him trouble? He's
expecting a cross court ceiling return to his backhand, hit a DTL pass! Get
him moving..." I'll tell you compared to the instinctive method this works a
lot better.
I think you need both, they each serve a different role. During a rally
the analysis side tells your instinctive side what to do. Instinct cannot
break down a game and Analysis cannot help you get your feet set for a kill
shot. I've been relying solely on instinct for a long time. I've been
playing half the game.
If you read the blog, my objective was to
keep control, stay in the game, and consider each of my shots. My goal was
to win point by point. I still caught myself falling into instinctive-mode,
but I got out of it most of the time.
We had some spectators...well passersby, I think I heard one of them say,
"Yeah the guy who's hitting the ball hard..." Not to brag, but I think they
were talking about me. :-) I hope they had a good show. I'm also starting to
find the mechanics where I get more bang for my buck. Less effort and a lot
more control and power.
01/24/06 I need to watch some damn matches!
Over a month with no league news, nothing about a single match. Man what am
I doing. I missed a nail biter between Chris Jacquet and Dave Pollak where
Dave barely scrapped by with 14 and 13.
I added some code to send out email automatically to missed matches.
Probably need some tweaking.
12/22/05 A's Heating Up
After a long wait, we're starting to get some matches from the A Division
underway. So far the battle for first seed is most likely going to be
between Bill S. and Joel Greengarten. Both players so far are dominating
with Joel trailing a bit behind with a three game win over Abe Pollak.
12/20/05 Pollak Brothers Double Team.
I came dressed in my Sunday Best, my Head Gear, in the desperate hopes it
would push me to play harder. After spending most of Sunday cleaning up some
stuff and replacing some light fixtures. I knew I going to be pretty hard
pressed to win. Anyway I showed up an hour late, about five minutes before
my start time. I hit around a few with my warm-up suit and squared off with
Dave. Got dispatched pretty quick 7 and 3., but it got the blood flowing.
Dave received a call from Abe saying he's going to be late. I didn't
mind, so I played the newcomer Felix. I won 15-11, after I stopped giving
him setups as Dave quickly noted. We were able to play a cut-throat that I
believe I also won, so I was ready to play Abe or so I thought. Oh before I
write about my second match. I felt something pretty weird during the
cut-throat. I took a swing in about mid-court with both Dave and Felix
behind me. On my follow-through I felt the racquet encounter some
resistance. I look back and see Dave ducking out of the way. I didn't hit
him, but I felt the disturbance. Felix laughed and said the "Wind tunnel
effect." Hmmm, maybe. Interesting that I would feel that, it's something so
First game was pretty much even, at a time out Dave asked the score and I
said 11-11. Well that perked Dave's interest. Well the first game was pretty
close 15-13. There was one shot that I was proud of and I think it happened
in game one. During a rally, I was a little behind Abe and in center court.
I actually thought about my shot. If he's so far left, he's going to
anticipate right...When the shot came, I blasted it DTL to his backhand
(left). Since he leaned right, he basically just tapped the racquet on the
floor and couldn't shift his weight back left. I love it when a plan comes
Second game, I lost my focus, and lost 15-4. I naturally wanted more from
my 100th and 101st matches, but it wasn't meant to be. I keep gathering
overwhelming evidence that I need to train and train hard. Thanks for the
games and for coming on Sunday to play.
12/08/05 Inter-Division Play Updated.
In an effort to get A's and C's more matches. I've added some B's to the mix
just to make things interesting. These are optional matches, so if you do
not wish to play a particular match let me know. For players in a higher
division it's a good opportunity to pass on some of your game, get better
stats, and break a losing streak. For players in a lower division, it's a
chance to play someone with more experience, shot power, etc. Who knows
maybe you can even walk away with a win or two.
12/07/05 Lost some posts. League Trophies again.
must have opened my website directly and made a couple of changes and lost
them when I worked on locally or something. Anyway here's the pictures of
the trophies again.
Each has the traditional engraving, "EQP Racquetball (2005-06) A/B/C
Division Singles. 1st/2nd/3rd place. I'll double check my connections so I
don't do this again. Anyway good luck and thanks for playing.
12/07/05 League Adjustments.
It's necessary about once a league to go through all the games for each
player and see if there's any serious problems. One problem is making sure
everyone is getting enough games. I know some A players have been a little
jealous of B's and I'm sure C's are definitely in need of more matches. So
it might take a few days. Of course, B's will still have more matches as mix
up the divisions. Not sure what else I can do. Also not sure how to handle
bubble defeats, first time that actually happened.
12/05/05 League Woes.
I don't like being angry or upset. I especially don't like being angry over
a $10 league fee that's missing from a couple of players. It's not like I'm
asking a $100 or something--which I've heard some clubs do. Basically $10.00
can barely get you into a movie. I don't see what the big deal is.
11/11/05 Couldn't Stop Him. Nick at 18!
We had a couple of interesting matches before I discuss my first League
match. Andres Quiroz won 0 and 4 over Devang Dave, which kind of puts him
middle of the field along with Silas Clark who had a closer game winning 8
and 9 over Roger Nussbaum.
It was an interesting match against Nick. First game, was pretty close.
There was definitely one bad call on his part. Where I was on the left side
of the court and I hit a kill shot and instead of actually moving toward the
ball Nick decides to barrel into me looking for a hinder. Even though the
ball would have been on its third or even fourth bounce by the time it
reached me. I laughed, but agreed with the replay.
I don't know if it was seeking a justice call for a block that I called
earlier where he hit the ball between him and the sidewall and I couldn't go
through him or swing without hitting him. Whatever the case.
End of the first game, I see Nick stretching his back and just moving
around hurt. I even offer him a chance to forfeit, but he didn't accept.
Anyway he kept stretching and during the second game played as if he was
nailed ot the floor.
He was more like his old self in the third game and was able to win. 13,
(3), 4. I was pretty angry with myself that I let my heart get in the way of
a win or at least a better effort. So outside the court while hw was laying
on his back. I loomed over him, pointed my racquet at him and said, "Next
time I show you mercy, you'll be dead." Sorry for saying that Nick, but I
was a little angry with myself for getting off my game plan. Anyway good
11/11/05 Nick's Streak Continues, 17 Wins!
It was supposed to be the match of the League, the top two players of the
B's (Nick Holerca vs. Alex Rtishchev) facing off. Nick's "Unstoppable"
streak at stake. Alex's #1 ELO Ranking on the line as well. Well it didn't
live up to the hype. Alex lost in straight games with 4 and 0. Nick took all
the goodies home with his 17th win and the #1 ELO Ranking.
So on Monday, Nick and I (Delgado) have to square off for a bubble match.
I'm going to prepare for this match as if I was going to a tournament. I
want to remain in A's and I cannot afford to lose any bubbles needlessly, so
if it means ending Nick's streak at seventeen. Then it's something I'm going
to be prepared to do. I'm not promising a victory or anything that's just
plain arrogant and stupid, but I will
prepare for my best effort. Action starts at 5:30 on Monday.
11/08/05 Nick "Unstoppable" Holerca Continues
The winning streak pretty much went unnoticed until last weekend. I double
checked and it's the longest running streak by far. So the 16th win was over
T-Jay Hu 1 and 3. I was there, but didn't get a chance to watch.
Other action, we had a far sweeping match between Chris Jacquet and Silas
Clark. They must have stood around and took turns letting serves go by, but
Chris had a narrow win in the tie-breaker 2, (1), and 10.
11/02/05 Wheat from the Chaff
I tell myself it happens every league. It's almost like a mantra. A couple
of months into the league something eventually happens to someone. It's what
I call the "Wheat from the Chaff" phase.
From A's, Tom Baldinger had to withdraw for personal reasons. In B's,
Erik Lopez has to focus and study for a CPA exam. Art Ernst doesn't work in
Edison anymore so making the trip North for a league isn't working. Miten
Bhatt hurt his back.
Anyway to those who couldn't continue I want to thank you for playing and
I hope to see you next league.
10/31/05 Trick or Treat for Bob Zeiss!
Happy Halloween everyone! Tonight T-Jay Hu faced off against Bob Zeiss for a
bubble match. Well Bob came up to the door, knocked, said Trick or Treat and
took one of T-Jay's bubbles 1 and 7. There's one more bubble left and it's
decided between T-Jay and Don Tietjen.
10/27/05 Who had the thousandth game? Who knows!
Thought I would have more fan-fare surpassing the thousand games mark, but
it kind of got lost in an update. Well there's always the two thousand game
mark. Let's start planning for it now.
Last week, we had what may be our first A Division match between Abe and
Dave Pollak. Dave recently had me restring his racquet and I've received
many compliments about my stringing, but I think this is the first time I've
been credited for winning a match. Dave Pollak (and my strings) won in
straight games 12 and 6. As I wrote Dave, nothing beats the feel and power
of new strings.
T-Jay Hu who's been struggling in the B's made a great effort against
Roger Nussbaum on Monday, but Roger was still able to close in straight
games 12 and 10. So far, T-Jay survived his first bubble "
match against Marv Schuldiner winning 8 and 5. Still two more to go against
Bob Zeiss and Don Tietjen.
Ignacio Esteban, B's, is starting to inch up on Alex and Nick on league
wins and he's already been through some of the top contenders. It'll be
interesting to see. Ignacio also burst "
George Weickert's (L) only remaining bubble in three games 4, (3), and 9. So
George drops down as a lefty to B's. I'll need some time to figure it all
out. I might have to put Ignacio on my bubble list.
10/24/05 Some additional player profiles
Had my camera with me so decided to take some head shots of some more league
players. Well it actually came about when Erik said where's my blurb? So
here goes. Being asked is harder than just doing, since no expectations are
Lopez, B Player
I've known Erik "Black Sox" Lopez for years, He was still a student at
Rutgers when we first started. As a player he's fast, plays on the control
side of the house, and hits his setups from up front. He wears black sox for
luck. Highest finish 4th in B's. Think "Ready to Go" by Republica is on his
iPod for warm-ups.
Roger Nussbaum, B Player
I played Roger and his partner last year in Intramural Doubles. What I remember was a lot of heart
and some good shot power. Now that he's playing singles in my league, he's
doing pretty well 4-2. He also took a bubble from George Weickert in the
A's. So I expect to see him toward to the top of the draw.
10/22/05 Friday was good to see
A lot of people were playing racquetball at Cook on Friday and pretty
much all of the courts were full. Even some people I haven't met before. It
was good to see some people like Erik, T-Jay, and others. I was even able to
watch a part of a bubble match between Marv Schuldiner and T-Jay Hu.
From game one I saw Marv setup some nice pinches in the front corners
where T-Jay stay flat-footed. I also saw T-Jay start hitting his stride and
hitting drive serves down the line and although they didn't bounce twice
they were still effective. Marv also had good control of center court for a
good part of the match. It was interesting and T-Jay Hu walked away with 8
and 5.
10/20/05 League Leaders
Wow four posts in one night. Well I'm trying to make up lost ground
here. So far in B's Alex Rtishchev is holding the lead with six wins
followed closely by the last tournament Champion Nick Holerca with five.
Would have to say, there's still a couple of bumps in the road for Nick
and taking number one seed. The hard-hitting newcomer, Roger Nussbaum, is
proving to be a solid contender. Along with Nick's nemesis Alex Rtishchev
who played him in the finals last tournament. So things should heat up real
So far it's been no contest for Don Tietjen in C's he already faced both
of his round robin opponents in C's in league play. Think Bob Zeiss is
definitely on his heels with great shot power. Marv Schuldiner also forced a
third game from Don, so it could be anyone's robin. The guys still have to
go through the draw and hit some bubble matches in B's. So we'll have to see
how things play out.
10/20/05 Lost One Gained One in A's
Tom Baldinger had to withdraw from the league today, nothing serious he
just has some additional demands on his time at home and at work. At least,
I was able to give him his trophy from last time. Joel Greengarten got his
schedule submitted, yes I know past the deadline, but we need players in
A's. With my limited schedule, Bill's injured calf, A's isn't moving too
fast anyway.
10/20/05 Where's Joe?
It's hard not being involved with every aspect of the league as I've
done in the past. I miss watching some matches and writing some commentary
afterward. I believe it gave the league life and made it closer to some of
the coverage major sporting events get in newspapers, etc. I miss seeing
everyone in the league and I know an occasional email isn't often enough,
but I am glad we still have a good turn-out and I haven't heard any serious
complaints. Thanks for playing and keeping our league alive.
10/20/05 League Stepping on Intramurals Turf?
I went to the courts on Wednesday to see a sign on court #1 that
Intramural racquetball matches take precedent over all other matches. My
first thought was oh man who caused a scene? No one puts up a sign unless
someone causes a scene! So let's give the Intramurals some space and try to
work with them.
10/02/05 Automatic Schedule Posted
It took a couple of days to assemble the ideas and a few more to write
the code and a few agonizing hours to debug, but all except 29 matches were
automatically scheduled by my program today. There's going to be some
problems with guests, but I'll work it out.
Happy birthday Ma!
10/02/05 Pulled George out of B's
I had George Weickert all setup for B's and even though I fell for the lure
of him playing left handed. I feel his experience, speed, and court coverage
is just beyond most of the B's in the group. So we'll be on the bubble this
league again, but still in A's. Stricter rules this time, have to win two
out of three in order to stay put. I was also lured by George to drop by B's
again and I almost took it since my B's win was based more on no-shows than
anything else.
In other action had Andres Quiroz waiting around for Silas Clark until
Roger Nussbaum showed up to practice. He agreed to play his match and had a
great practice session with Andres. Roger walked away with the victory 8,
(5), and 4. I told Roger I was pleasantly surprised.
09/30/05 A slow start, but a start nonetheless.
Alex Rtischev and Andres Quiroz faced off around 8:30 last night. Alex
reported the scores and commented that Andres plays a similar attrition
game. So Alex worked his way into the match after losing game 1 with 5
and took the next two games to win the match 11 and 9. Not a bad game for
Andres and as the league progresses...it'll be interesting.
09/29/05 Slow Week One.
Alright, so I'm procrastinating with my one hundred match scheduling task,
but the past couple of nights I've been working on a solution. Automatic
scheduling! The program looks at two players on a particular day and finds a
match time with considerations if they played the night before or have a
match the following day.
I've addressed most of the problems except one. I need to track how many
courts I can safely take up and make the most of them otherwise the program
will schedule everyone in two weeks and I'll have some serious headaches.
Sorry for the delay, I'm working on it.
09/27/05 Registration is Closed.
One shy of sixteen for the B's, damn, was really looking forward to a full
draw, but I can get away with one bye for the top seed. Anyway thank you for
registering. I have two last minute people Chris Jacquet and Devang Dave
signed up. So will need to work them into the schedule.
09/07/05 Working for the Sixteen Players in B's.
Yep we have about fifteen players right now, so I would say two spots are
left since I haven't heard from Chris Jacquet. It'll be awesome to have
sixteen players in B's, maybe at the tournament we can have a consolation
bracket so people that lose in the first round go into another draw. So
everyone is guaranteed two rounds.
Another round of players synopses. I gotta go make bottles, so I can only
do two today and getting the pictures ready takes some work.
Holerca, Registered.
Last League he suffered through most of his final against Alex
Rtishchev. I came back from dinner with my wife to catch the last few
points. Nick sat on one of the benches holding his ankle. I asked my wife to
come in. I thought it was over, but Nick brought out an ace bandage wrapped
it tight and won the match.
Alex Rtishchev, Registered.
Alex has finished B's 2nd and 1st the last two leagues. He has a pretty good balance of stamina, speed, and power.
He likes to wear out his opponents by making them run "attrition damage" and
his strategy works, but I still think more traditional shot selection can
only improve his game.
09/07/05 Synopsis of Players (Part 1)
This is something new related to the concept of story below. So here's a
short recap before we do the league. I'll get more players out here, but I
need to assemble some more headshots.
Baldinger (Team Head) Registered.
Last Trophy Finishes. 2nd B's 2004-2005 State Singles. 1st A's 2004-05
EQP. Tom's a pretty solid player and I didn't have much doubt I would see
him at the top of the draw last league. This league? Well he has some work
to do since he's been out the Summer and is now court-less.
Last Trophy Finish: 2nd in A's 2004-05 EQP. Bill signed up for B's in my
league. After watching him play for a few minutes I saw that was a mistake.
Bill's also a paddleball player so that translates into some unorthodox
power serves. No word on him. I guess he doesn't want another shot at Tom.

Dave Pollak, Registered.
Had to quit the last league with an injury and wanted to come back two
divisions lower as a lefty, but I've talked with him recently and he's ready
to play right handed. Got 3rd in A's a couple of leagues ago, so Dave's a
pretty strong player.
Joe's been in a lot of my leagues in B's and last league and definitely
did some damage. He gave a 110% some matches and it was paying off. Haven't heard from him this time around. Joe can definitely
generate some shot power and make some good gets.
He took first place in C's a while back then took his lumps in B's, but
when the eleven player draw came out and he faced #1 seed Vishal, he quit.
So is he coming back to make another run for the hardware? I was pretty
surprised and disappointed. I thought if anyone can cause an upset it'll be
Claudio Ortiz
Has decided to run the NY Marathon in November, so he's not going to
risk an injury this time around. At Busch he took second place after a
marathon match against Alex Rtishchev. Last time he suffered a leg injury
that caused him to default in the semi's tiebreaker vs. Nick Holerca.
Marv Schuldiner, Registered
Has been a die hard playing just about every league that I've had. I've
seen Marv play a solid game when he's on fire. I think if he spent more time
on the court and trying to reproduce the sparks that bring him to the top of
his game. He can do very well in C's.
Don Tietjen, Registered
Took 3rd a couple of leagues ago. I have seen Don generate some good
power on some serves. I have also seen Don make some bad shot selections and
try to tap a ball when ripping it would of had created a better opportunity.
Ajay Singh
I've watched Ajay climb the ranks steadily. Second in D's, then 1st in
C's, now he has his sights set on B's. Think Ajay takes too many games way
too seriously. Sometimes we can learn more from losing than from winning. He
has a pretty good serve, but I think the real tests will be his match
management and strategy.
Joseph Delgado (Team Head) Registered.
I've been finishing tournaments instead of just participating in them.
Last league a couple of people doubted I could play A's, but managed to fall
within the middle of the draw. I've been developing some new weapons like a
two step drive serve, a lighter racquet, and a more core focused weight
training program.
08/23/05 Players Back story
There was something on ESPN recently about why
people watch sports. Mostly they said because it tells a good story. There's
a goal then there's character, conflict, complication, causality, and
resolution. I think racquetball needs some good stories to be told at all
levels of the game. So why not here, why not now. Let's start with our cast
of characters.
Copyright 2011-2008 by Enchanted Quill Press, LLC.
Copyright 2002-2008 by Joseph Delgado. Published since 12/31/02.
Last Updated 6/4/07. Please email Webmaster about site problems or questions.