05/01/08 Some Videos Converted
About two of the videos are still 5 minute previews the rest should be full length and free. Veoh is still in the process of converting them.
04/14/08 Charging for Video was short lived
A couple of days after I set everything up on Veoh. They stopped offering their videos on a pay-per-view basis. I'm still wating for them to convert it back to free. Nice idea, but I'm not there yet.
04/08/08 Links are Live
Not sure about offering videos for $1.99. I caused a small rucus on Meet and Play when I first asked for feedback about it. So I didn't want the links broken and I wanted to see what happens for a month or two. There old videos so not sure what kind of return they'll get. Of course, I'll use all the income to help run this site and get better equipment for video editing and shooting.
03/27/08 Switching Slowly to Veoh
Stage 6 has been down for a while and all the video links on this page are broken. I'll be working on getting these videos fixed from now until the weekend. You can watch more videos from this event taken by Jon Clay at the NJARtv site.
12/24/07 (NJAR) Three more videos
All the pending vidoes have been posted. Overall it was pretty easy using my laptop, it saved me a tremendous amount of time. Looking forward to doing it again for everyone. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.
12/16/07 (NJAR) New Jersey Open at Woodbridge New Jersey
Having the rare opportunity to span both organizations (NJRF and NJAR) I see a significant difference in the management and turn outs. It was also nice to see my name in USAR Racquetball magazine as the NJAR webmaster. At the start, it was very difficult to see Bill Serafin on the way out, but his decision to step down and let new blood in seems the best move for Jersey.
On Sunday, I brough in all my AV equipment and setup on a nice desk to record matches on court #1. The Club at Woodbridge has some nice courts, despite the open back wall, and has lot of fitness resources and about nine racquetball courts. For the tournament, two were designated as warm-up courts--nice touch.
There were two reports of theft and the Tournament Director took appropriate action and called the Police and other players. I often keep my stuff out in the open as well, racquetball players are a pretty good crowd, but there's always a risk.
View the NJAR Tournament Results.
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Men's Doubles Open Semi-Final
Ruben Gonzalez (Team Ektelon)/Russ Bonanno vs. Jason Slyvester (Team Head)/Kenneth Roberts.
I thought Ruben was going to have a slight problem without Pedraza as his partner, but who was I kidding. Ruben cancelled out Jason and Russ did a great job vs. Jason's partner, Ken.
Preview/Buy it on Veoh. Posted 12/15/07.
Men's Singles 50+ Final
Robert Caime vs. Peter Holden (Team Ektelon).
"I've never had anyone put so much pace on my forehand." Peter Holden said to Robert Caime after the match.
Preview/Buy it on Veoh. Posted 12/15/07.
Men's Singles 40+ Final
Tom Keogh (Team Wilson) vs. Greg Galbornetti (Team Head)
I didn't catch a lot of the match, but Tom Keogh had some monsterous cross court passes that had Greg covering a lot more court than he wanted.
Preview/Buy it on Veoh. Posted 12/24/07.
Men's Doubles 40+ Final
Wayne Suggs/Jim LaSala (Team E-Force) vs. Steve Aguirre/Mark Kane.
These competitors are no strangers and have played at Hillsborough for years. Unfortunately out of the pair, I believe Jim LaSala and Wayne Suggs have more tournament experience and capitalized that to jump 13-1 in the first game without a single break in serve.
Jim/Wayne dominated the front court with kills and pinches while their opponents sank in the back. Believe Steve's partner pulled something in his left knee and wasn't moving well after that. Game two was a lot tougher for Wayne and Jim.
Preview/Buy it on Veoh. |
Men's Doubles 50+ Final
Billy Captain/Frank Luchetto vs. Wayne Suggs/Jim LaSala (Team E-Force).
Jim and Wayne didn't fare so well against Billy and Frank in the first game. A lot of shots from Frank were hard and brought Jim and Wayne out of position. Billy served to his partner's side and the damaged added up against Wayne and later they switched so Jim had to change tactics. There was a complaint to the ref, but Frank said, "We've been playing this way for fifteen years." There is no rule about it and maybe Wayne should have buried the ball.
"They set me up on every shot." Frank said after the match and during the second game he put a period at the end of every shot. The serving to his partner's side eventually got Billy hit at close range by Jim.
Preview/Buy it on Veoh. Posted 12/24/07. |
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Copyright 2002-2008 by Joseph Delgado. Published since 12/31/02. Last Updated 12/16/07. Please email Webmaster about site problems or questions.