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June Update
It's not always easy to keep things going when something new comes along. I think this month, I take a look at my projects and how certain things are going. Basically ID isn't dead, just taking a much needed break to develop other things. (6/6/03)

February Update
This month, I look into my support system and my interests for answers. It's been a ghost town around here with racquetball, but slowly things are coming back to an even balance (1/18/03). 

January Update
A look back at 2002 and some new graphs that show the growth of my website. Normally graphs look pretty normal to bleak, but looking back at the whole year and even the past couple of years. There is growth and that's a good way to start Directions for a new year. Happy New Year! (1/1/03)

November Update
It has been a while about nine months without a Directions. I break the silence and relate Intervue Digest and Racquetball to my attitudes toward learning to push forward and not lay down to die. (12/1/02)

February Update
Probably the shortest Directions ever! Not much this time around. I had a longer Directions, but it wasn't going anywhere and was just complaints. Anyway I posted the graph for Jan'02 and the hits look good.

Copyright 1996-2004 by Joseph Delgado. Enchanted Quill Press, All rights reserved.
Webmaster: Joseph Delgado updated this page on 6/6/03.

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