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Directions for January 1, 2003

A Very Good Year
by Joseph Delgado

There's no reason to be depressed about last year. I am very pleased with the graphs I created today and the small advances in both the databases and programs I use to maintain Intervue Digest.

First with the number of hits per quarter last year is about the same as the previous years combined. I think it is mostly due to a few popular pages that have pumped up the numbers.

Second, I have improved the keyword meta tags on most of the pages so they can be found on more search engines. I had previously used the same templates for different pages and never updated the meta tags, so I'm sure they were never ranked very well or ranked incorrectly.

Third, I added the submit form to collect websites from other people. It has worked to a degree, but a lot of the submitted links are for software not sites. So that's one goal for this year. Get the review section working!

Fourth, my Site Database even though I have not added any improvements it has been a great design and use for my site. I rewrote the Site database tag engine from scratch to make adding content easier.

Lastly, I have linked to some sites and some have been very helpful over the past year either improving or matching last year's referrals. I offer them what I can by offering the highest sites at the bottom of my pages.

My wife read a Directions for the first time and she asked about my site and I said that it is doing better. So I'm grateful to have her support. I'm going to push to keep the site growing.

Have a great new year.

Thanks for reading,
Joe Delgado

Copyright 1996-2004 by Joseph Delgado. Enchanted Quill Press, All rights reserved.
Webmaster: Joseph Delgado updated this page on 1/01/03.

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