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Directions for October  2001

So what's Next?
by Joseph Delgado

Waiting three months to do a Directions has some advantages. We can take a look at three months of graphs and see a trend. At least it is pretty consistent, but I believe a majority of these hits are still from search engines and not real people. :-(

I've thought of making something where I track people's clicks on links and everything, but it may not be worth the effort. What would I do? Track all the clicks on reviews on a page and tally them? I'd rather make some sort of voting system, but if a majority of hits are from search engines that's a lot of effort for little reward.

I want to get the shareware reviews database running at least in some form. A few people have sent me software reviews and I've just sat on them like an old hen. Now that Site DB is pretty stable and has a lot of the features I wanted, I can start working on the shareware database and get that rolling in some small way.

I want to put a database online, but I am not 100% comfortable with all the coding required. I've done some basic stuff at work and sometimes it breaks and I don't understand all the inner workings of the ADO code and that's ok for these tests, but I need it to work very well when it's posted on here.

Thanks for reading,
Joe Delgado

Copyright 1996-2004 by Joseph Delgado. Enchanted Quill Press, All rights reserved.
Webmaster: Joseph Delgado updated this page on 10/5/01.

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