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Gamer Article August 27, 2000
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. My Darkest Day for Shareware
© 2001 by Joseph Delgado

Going through updating some links only to find Win Files and Soft Seek are gone! Sucked into the gapping mouths of C|Net and ZDNet. Wow, when are people going to stop these monopolists of the Internet? The funny thing is they offer the same PAD (Developer Generated) reviews as the little guy.

I thought they were big enough to write their own reviews. I see more PAD sites now and I'm paranoid to check each one against previously reviewed sites. I found my number one Five Star shareware site to be a PAD site, so I knocked it down to four stars and out of the number one spot.

Here's the problem for people who use these websites. Take a look at these three websites reviews of the same product, 3D Caveman Rocks.

Software Vault
Are you a fan of classic video games? In 3D Caveman Rocks, the new retro arcade game from MVP, you get tons of video game excitement, in glorious 3D graphics. Caveman is looking for Stonehenge. Caveman like Stonehenge. But caveman no like evil monkey...

Are you a fan of classic video games? In 3D Caveman Rocks, the new retro arcade game from MVP, you get tons of video game excitement, in glorious 3D graphics. Caveman is looking for Stonehenge. Caveman like Stonehenge. But caveman no like evil monkey...

From the developer: "Are you a fan of classic video games? In 3D Caveman Rocks, the new retro arcade game from MVP, you get tons of video game excitement, in glorious 3D graphics. Caveman is looking for Stonehenge. Caveman like Stonehenge. But caveman no like evil monkey...

I don't like the evil Monkey either! I have no problem against PAD to be used a bridge between developer and reviewer, but I have a problem when the PAD file is used as the review itself. If all the sites are the same then why bother going to other sites? (3/23/01)


Copyright 1996-2004 by Joseph Delgado. Enchanted Quill Press, All rights reserved.
Webmaster: Joseph Delgado updated this page on 08/27/00.

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